Planet Studios has been at the forefront of the Montréal music scene for over 20 years, hosting both renowned international and local artists.
Planet has an impeccable reputation for being one of the top recording and mixing facilities in the country. 

Our comfortable, spacious and private studios have been the choice for world-renowned artists, producers, and engineers, as well as corporate clients seeking top-tier audio solutions. We offer a full-service, state-of-the-art facility providing comprehensive audio services from pre-production to recording, mixing, and mastering. This also includes our specialized Atmos mixing service for an immersive sound experience. 

Our 14-room studio facility features 3 main studios and 11 production suites, all equipped with a massive assortment of vintage and cutting-edge equipment, including a world-class collection of 80+ microphones. Our facilities also come complete with grand pianos, upright pianos, and a range of synths and other instruments. An award-winning, friendly staff of engineers, assistants, technicians, and runners is always available to ensure the highest quality service for every project.

We can also accommodate TV crews for film or cinema sets.

our services





Post production

original scoring

Voice Over

video production